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Groupe V.S.E.E. SL
Calle Tuset 20 / 24 – 8º8ª – 08006 – BARCELONE – SPAIN
Telephone : 0034 93 587 8077
Fax : 0034 93 589 2415
Do not hesitate to contact us: we will do our utmost to provide you the best advice according to your needs and to prepare a customized estimate for you.
Creation of your Web Site
Multiple language showcase: French, Spanish and Catalan.
WEB START PACK: for presentation internet site.
Specific, effective design to suit your image, careful ergonomics, referencing optimisation … The Web START PACK is the solution par excellence to get your activity ahead on the Internet.
- Up to 5 web pages (home and presentation, your services or products, contact page and site map)
- Design, logo, presentation photos and videos
- Hosting for 1 year
- Choice of domain name
- E-mail address
- Placement on the main search engines (Google …)
- Traffic statistics
- Maintenance
- Total discounted price for our clients : € 690